
To use the templates you have to include 'django_transitions' in INSTALLED_APPS in the projects settings.py file:

    'django_transitions', # this is only needed to find the templates.

The change_form template adds workflow buttons to the admin change form, and also provides the ‘save’ and ‘delete’ buttons. This template can be applied to the django admin class:

change_form_template = 'transitions/change_form.html'
{% extends 'admin/change_form.html' %}

{% block submit_buttons_bottom %}

  <!-- add the save and delete buttons -->
  {{ block.super }}

  <!-- Add buttons for available transitions -->
  <div class="submit-row">
    {% for event in original.get_available_events %}
      <input type="submit" class="{{ event.cssclass }}" value="{{ event.label }}" name="_{{ event.transition.name }}">
    {% endfor %}

{% endblock %}

The read_only_change_form template adds workflow buttons to the admin change form, and removes the ‘save’ and ‘delete’ buttons. This template can be applied to the django admin class:

change_form_template = 'transitions/read_only_change_form.html'
{% extends 'admin/change_form.html' %}

{% block submit_buttons_bottom %}

  <div class="submit-row">
    {% for event in original.get_available_events %}
      <input type="submit" class="{{ event.cssclass }}" value="{{ event.label }}" name="_{{ event.transition.name }}">
    {% endfor %}

{% endblock %}