Source code for django_transitions.workflow

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Mixins for transition workflows."""

# Standard Library
from functools import partial

# 3rd-party
from transitions.extensions import MachineFactory

[docs]class StatusBase(object): """Base class for transitions and status definitions.""" STATE_CHOICES = ( # Override this! # # to provide human readable labels for states # (state, 'My Workflow state'), ) TRANSITION_LABELS = { # Override this! # Provide human readable labels and css class for transitions # transition: {'label': 'Label', 'cssclass': 'default'} } SM_STATES = [ # Override this! # list of available workflow states ] SM_INITIAL_STATE = None # Initial state of the machine. Override this! SM_TRANSITIONS = [ # Override this! # trigger, source, destination ]
[docs] @classmethod def get_kwargs(cls): """Get the kwargs to initialize the state machine.""" kwargs = { 'initial': cls.SM_INITIAL_STATE, 'states': cls.SM_STATES, 'transitions': cls.SM_TRANSITIONS, } return kwargs
[docs]class StateMachineMixinBase(object): """ Base class for state machine mixins. Class attributes: * ``status_class`` must provide ``TRANSITION_LABELS`` property and the ``get_kwargs`` class method (see ``StatusBase``). * ``machine`` is a transition machine e.g:: machine = Machine( model=None, finalize_event='wf_finalize', auto_transitions=False, **status_class.get_kwargs() # noqa: C815 ) The transition events of the machine will be added as methods to the mixin. """ status_class = None # Override this! machine = None # Override this!
[docs] def get_available_events(self): """ Get available workflow transition events for the current state. Returns a dictionary: * ``transition``: transition event. * ``label``: human readable label for the event * ``cssclass``: css class that will be applied to the button """ for trigger in self.machine.get_triggers(self.state): event =[trigger] ui_info = self.status_class.TRANSITION_LABELS[] ui_info['transition'] = event yield ui_info
[docs] def get_wf_graph(self): """Get the graph for this machine.""" diagram_cls = MachineFactory.get_predefined(graph=True) machine = diagram_cls( model=self, auto_transitions=False, title=type(self).__name__, **self.status_class.get_kwargs() # noqa: C815 ) return machine.get_graph()
def __getattribute__(self, item): """Propagate events to the workflow state machine.""" try: return super(StateMachineMixinBase, self).__getattribute__(item) except AttributeError: if item in return partial([item].trigger, self) raise